The small island of Cozemel is just off the east coast of Mexico, we planned to stop two nights/one day here. Just enough time for Grace to scuba dive and me to snorkel and then move on, as it is somewhere we’d visited before. Last time Grace dived here it chucked it down with rain and annoyingly our luck with the weather was even worse this time with a torrential downpour and high winds.
Grace’s dive was cancelled and there really isn’t much to do on an island whose main attraction is diving and snorkeling when its raining. We spent the time planning the next leg of the trip, reading our books and socialising with the other people also stuck in the hostel. We also tried to go for a walk but after 30 minutes of walking in the wind, we discovered there really wasn’t that much to see on this side of the island. We decided to extend our stay for another night so Grace would have a chance to dive the next day.
That evening we went out with some guys we met at the hostel, Grace wanted to try some traditional Mexican food that we hadn’t seen before and the woman in the hostel suggested a restaurant called La Choza. It turns out when Grace said she wanted to try new food what she actually meant was she wanted me to try it and if it was good she would then have half. Which is how, when everyone else had grilled chicken or fajitas, I ended up with the experimental dish.
I tried a dish the woman at the hostel had recommended, a large green chilli stuffed with Mexican cheese, deep-fried and covered in a tomato sauce. I can’t say it’s a dish I would have again, in premise it sounds nice and perhaps it would have been in a different restaurant. But the chilli was quite bitter and the batter around it was very soggy and just not to my taste. The waiters seemed overjoyed that a gingo had branched out and tried something more traditional and kept coming over to ask how I liked it. Grace took one look at it and decided to forfeit her half and as I didn’t have the heart to tell the waiter it wasn’t for me, I forced way more than I would have liked down. Much to the amusement of Grace and our new friends.
The next day the rain had stopped but it was still very windy and Grace’s dive was cancelled again. We decided to make a bit more of the day this time by renting a scooter and taking it around the island. Grace was a bit nervous about driving a scooter again, I offered to drive but after falling off my bike just days ago I don’t think either of us was keen to be testing my skills in a similar situation, this time with more speed. But the much scarier prospect of having me drive her spurred Grace on.
There is only one road around the island and we made slow progress around it. We didn’t have any protective clothing except a helmet so we limited ourselves to 40km/h (~25mph).
It’s a beautiful island and apparently a popular holiday spot for Americans, several menus were costed in USD and not pesos. The American influence did mean I could get a lunch that wasn’t tacos which I appreciated. We also had a close encounter with a raccoon which I’d never seen before. I made the American tourists laugh by taking photos of it. I can’t blame them I’d probably laugh if I saw a tourist taking photos of a fox or pigeon…
Apart from the wildlife photography we mostly stopped along different beaches and had a snorkel or a swim. We spotted the boys from the previous night on the beach and arranged to meet them again that evening for some drinks. We had a fun evening socialising and then headed back to pack up our things ready to move on to Holbox the next morning.
I’ll tell you all about Holbox in the next post. Lots of love Alice x